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We Will Live to See These Days Renewed!

Writer's picture: Elizabeth R BillingsleyElizabeth R Billingsley

Updated: Jan 19

Hello everyone!

I know those of you reading this may be in different states or even countries. I know that novel Coronavirus has affected us all in some way. Most of us are dealing with lockdowns and/or social distancing of some kind at this point in America and around the world. For those of you in countries and in America with widespread disease, my heart and prayers are with you and I stand with you. I can only imagine what you are going through. Oklahoma has not been as hard hit as other states or countries but I look for things to change in the near future. This does not frighten me. What it does do is show me how important it is for all of us to do our part in this effort, globally. I can tell I will never take for granted again being able to go see my friends, my family, go to the store, go to work, attend my place of worship, or go about my daily life. Never again. These are gifts to us, great gifts and blessings.

Readers and fellow humans, I firmly believe no matter who is in charge in our countries, we will live to see these days renewed! The bells of joy will ring once again! The cities will not be silent! Fear will not prevail! Why do I know this? Look at the human spirit demonstrated to us in Italy. I salute the Italian people for their bravery and their ability to sing and play musical instruments in the face of troubling and uncertain times. We can learn a lot from them America. I am thankful and proud of the many Americans who are doing their part and staying home. I am thankful for the many around the world who are helping their older neighbors and those with chronic illnesses while themselves social distancing. I am thankful for orderly shoppers at grocery stores. Fellow humans, we are all in this together! It doesn’t matter what country we call home. This affects the human race equally.

I want to tell you now God has not forsaken this nation nor any of the other 177 nations (as of 30 minutes ago) this virus has affected. He is in your song. He is in your musical instruments that you play. He is in your kindness. He is in your thoughts for others and your prayers. He is in the laughter of your children. A part of Him is even in the pets you love who wait for you and with you each day. He is in the midst of this darkness. We are not alone! He did not cause this to happen. It is not his judgement. He is here to take us to the other side and to show us who He really is in the process. Nothing escapes His gaze and no one affected by this has not already been seen by Him. His heart is broken for every person this has affected all around the world. He will make this right.

Today, I give hope to you! I can’t help but tell you! Do not worry about who is to blame or not to blame. God has already seen what was done in secret, in the dark places. He will recompense. The time has come for us to come together as one nation and world and fight this virus. He has given all of us great scientists, doctors and other great minds to solve this problem. Let’s get behind them, the world over. Do not give into fear, yet at the same time, take this seriously and use common sense. Help your neighbors and friends! Think of others! Love others! Work together!

We will make it my fellow humans! We will see the other side! We can beat this! We count every recovery and every person who is living a step in the right direction. I will say it again; we will live to see these days renewed and nothing will stand in our way! Today, I give you hope! Let the hope of the world be rekindled this day! The sun will rise again and “winter” has an end!

May these verses give you hope; may they be a light to you and yours in these uncertain times:

1 Corinthians 13:7-8; Love knows no limit to its endurance, no end to its trust, no fading of its hope; it can outlast anything. It is, in fact, the one thing that still stands when all else has fallen.

Jeremiah 29:11; For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Psalm 23:3; Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; you comfort me.

With much love and hope in this time,



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