1 John 4:18a; There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear…
1 Corinthians 13:13; And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
Hello everyone! I wanted to start out today’s blog with Bible verses because I wanted to be sure I caught your attention with words about love and fear. Love is greater than fear. Love has always been greater than fear and it will always be greater than fear. It is love that drove Jesus’ desire to go to the cross and be the sacrifice for all of us once and for all. It was love that raised Christ from the dead. It was love that sent him to Earth so long ago. It was love that inspired the Father God to make men and women in His image. It was love that healed me. It was love that welcomed my late husband into Heaven despite his shortcomings and heart sickness. It was love that saved the lives, hearts, and minds of many of you reading. It is love that inspires me to write this blog to you today. Love has always been with you, even when you didn’t see it, even when you couldn’t see it. Fear can’t contend with love. It does not know love; therefore, it has no power over love. Fear is of the darkness and the darkness can’t contend with love. Darkness can’t contend with love because love is of the Light and darkness can’t contend with Light. Fear=darkness, love=Light. They are polar opposites. Only love can drive fear away because only Light can drive out darkness. Darkness can’t drive out Light. Fear can’t drive out fear and darkness can’t drive out darkness. Stay with me.
We are living in unprecedented times. COVID-19 is indeed real and is indeed the pandemic of our modern age. We haven’t seen a pandemic of this kind for a century. All of these things are facts. All of these things should be taken seriously. Many people are indeed frightened. To those who are frightened, I want to offer you some hope. I understand why you are afraid and I acknowledge this threat is very real. In doing that, I want to tell you that we will make it through this, just as many did in the last major pandemic a century ago. I can imagine they had the same kind of fear many do today. I want you to know that Love is your greatest weapon – the love you have for your friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers. Yes, we have to wear masks in public now. Yes, we have to use common sense and be safe. Yes, we have to stay away from the people we love but that does not mean we stop loving them. We have wonderful technology that can keep us connected, even though we are apart. We have a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with our families in ways perhaps we never tried before. We have opportunities to serve one another, especially our most vulnerable. We have opportunities to be thankful for and help those who are on the front lines as we never have before. We can turn away from fear and look at Love. When we look at Love, we drive out fear and it can’t influence us anymore. When we focus on how we can love, it is impossible to focus on our fear. They can’t occupy the same space.
When we choose to focus on Love, we can’t focus on the darkness of fear. When we choose to do this, our minds clear, we can think better and we can problem solve. I’m not going to lie. I have felt the crushing weight of fear in these last several weeks. I had to make a decision. I decided that fear was not going to control my mind or my life in this time. I decided love was going to control my mind and my life. This does not mean that I don’t take precautions, don’t do what is safe, and don’t do what is asked of me. This also does not mean I stick my head in the sand and don’t stay informed. What this does mean is I don’t forget about those I love and total strangers. I think about others by wearing a mask and taking other precautions. I help others in any feasible way I can, whether that be a conversation, a grocery delivery, or guidance as a public health nurse. When I focus on love, I can’t focus on fear. When I focus on the Light, I can’t focus on the darkness.
For those of you who are frightened, I want you to know that Love casts out fear and that that love can come from you. Look at Love! You can give that love away and fear will have no hold in our mind or heart in this time. Be flexible, be creative, be open to giving love and showing love. You will be surprised at how much your perspective changes. Again, stay informed. Be safe and take the proper precautions but focus on Love! Love is stronger than fear and love will be with us long after fear is gone. Love overcomes our fears every time!
I want everyone reading this, regardless of how you feel about these times to stay safe, take your precautions, and stay informed. Most of all, I want you to look at Love and be love to those around you. Let love change your perspective. Let love cast out all of your fear!
Without fear and much love,