Hello everyone!
You have probably already noticed today’s blog photo is a photo of shoes. I received these shoes on Monday from a dear friend who wanted to bless me in return for blessing others. I had no idea she would gift me shoes that go with a lot of my clothes and they fit perfectly!
As I drove back to work after dropping several items off with her for single moms, I began to think about her and the shoes she gave me. She is first and foremost a Christian who loves Jesus and a child of the King. She is struggling to make ends meet. She is a mother. She is walking in God’s grace as she goes through recovery for drug and alcohol abuse. She has spent time on the “wrong side of the law” as some may say. She, like all of us, has her share of fears and doubts that come her way. Yet, in all of this, she chooses to be a blessing to others, no matter where they are in life!
As I drove and thought about this, I began to cry. How arrogant I have been in times past! How prideful! How stubborn! How foolish of me to think “my suburban Jesus” was all I needed, yet I believed this for many years. The pinnacle of my pride has been to think that God could not use people that weren’t like me – who weren’t raised like me, who didn’t have my resources, who didn’t see Jesus like I did. How foolish I have been! Does this sound familiar? How convenient for the Enemy to convince us of such things! Jesus belongs to everyone – from the least of these to the greatest of these! Jesus died for everyone – from the least to the greatest! Jesus can use anyone – from the least to the greatest!
Jesus has been breaking down these prideful pillars I have raised over time in this last year - these pillars of exclusivity that don’t allow me to see past my own understanding and block His view of others and my community. This is 20 some odd years in the making people! Why did I let this take this long? Who knew that a pair of shoes and the heart of a sweet friend would be the final push I needed to get over myself! Yesterday, on that drive back to work, I got over myself completely and totally as I cried about the foolishness of my own pride and her compassion. No more will I try to determine how Jesus should use someone. His opinion of how he uses them trumps mine any day. How would I like someone making judgements about how God was using me? No more will I seek to stand with the great, I will choose to sit with the least of these so the Kingdom can be built, and the Father’s heart can be heard for all people. No more will assume that “my Jesus” is all I need and keep Him to myself. No more will I assume that my own resources make me successful in the Kingdom of God. Afterall, my resources are His so who am I kidding?
Thank you, sweet, dear friend, for the shoes! You did more than just bless me with shoes; you broke down the last remaining places of pride in my heart and showed me what Jesus can really do through anyone who yields themselves to Him! You are my inspiration!
Thank you Jesus for teaching me through a wonderful friend and pair of great shoes! I will never be the same! Love, Elizabeth