Hello everyone!
Yesterday I talked about how beautifully broken people can become whole. There is no shame in our brokenness. There is shame in needing or wanting healing. The problem comes when we use our brokenness to manupilate and control others. In essence, this kind of person is a person who does not want to heal. They perceive to be getting more out of hurting others and being hurt then becoming a whole person. This type of agenda is a deception! This road will leads only to heartache!
I'm sure we have all known someone like this. I was married to a man like this for 3 years. I think he vascilated between wanting healing and not wanting it. His life and mind was indeed a mess. I recently walked away from a friendship when I realized this same thing was at work in this person. These kinds of relationships are not healthy for us in any way! In this type of relationship, you are simply a means to an end. Your best interest will never be this person's focus. The only person they are interested in is themselves and furthering their own agenda. This type of person is very toxic to everything they touch!
So what do we do with people who don't want to heal? We do nothing. We can do nothing. Many times, we must leave these people to their choices and exit their lives. We can't fix them and we certainly can't heal them, only Jesus can. I am not saying you can't or won't love them. What I am saying is love may have to be at a distance. I also want to say you can't always love someone the way you want to because they will not receive it. You don't have a love problem, they have a love-reception problem.
I want to encourage you to seek healing for yourself regardless of whether someone else does or not. You are not responsible for their healing, only your own. Sometimes this means walking away - it is not ideal but necessary at times. Healing is a choice, even if brokenness was beyond our control. Choose life and healing for yourself! You can't choose for someone else!
Do not let someone else's choice to not heal effect you for the rest of your life!
Hebrews 12:1 NIV ...Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us....
I choose to walk in healing regardless of anyone else's choice. Will you not choose the same?
Until next time,